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S u p p o r t i n g 

Lo c a l  

C u s t o m s   a n d 

T r a d i t i o n s...

T h e   M I S S I O N 

Raíces Vivas is a foundation that seeks to preserve and promote traditional cultures throughout the communities of Latin America. We strive to acheive this using development models which allow social and economic sustainability. We recognize each community has its own unique identity rich in history; thus we will promote organizations and local leaders as protagonists of their own development. We are interested in connecting culture with educational spaces, the creative industry, entrepreneurship, self-management, network generation, and local identity.

O u r   O b j e c t i v e s 

Rescue and cultivate the cultural customs and traditions of Latin America through dynamic and attractive forms that are accessible to both children and adults.


Promote incorporation of economic issues in different educational spaces.


Enhance traditional cultural products, under the concept of fair trade and responsible consumption, by connecting them to global markets.

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©2021 - Fundación Raíces Vivas - Chile


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  • Facebook - Círculo Negro
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